How Flowis improved processes in Muziker

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Within our company Muziker a.s. the Flowis program covered a large range of processes that were originally scattered under many separate programs and tools. One of the first big processes that we moved to Flowis was the evidence and processing of refunds.


Control Over Data

8 Hours

Time Saved Per Day


Automatization Of Requests

Absolute Certainty And Control Over The Data

Initially, this process took place with very limited possibilities and was dependent on manual control via google table. It was a table with a huge amount of data and necessary access to edit, for more than 50 people within the company. Here the first and biggest deficiency was repeated. In case of incorrect procedure, important data could easily be lost and their recovery was laborious and many times even impossible.

In this regard, Flowis provided us with absolute certainty and control over the data. Despite the fact that the same number of people need to access and intervene in the refund process. Flowis allowed us to precisely define for each user/group of users the range of adjustment options and thereby ensure that it is not possible to damage the refund database through inattention or incorrect procedures, but at the same time ensure adequate access for making all necessary adjustments.


100% Success In The Correctness of The Request Entry

The validation rules were also a huge step forward in this process. Within refunds, we have a large number of payment methods, currencies, and refund reasons, and for each combination of them, there are different procedures to be applied. Flowis allowed us to specify these validations based on the fields that are gradually filled in when entering the refund request, and thanks to these validation rules, we achieved almost 100% success in the correctness of the request entry. For comparison, in Google Sheets, these validations were re-evaluated for each case manually by our employees before processing the refund, and we are talking about 150 refunds per day. The time-saving in this direction is significant


100% Request resolution Success

Another time-saving feature for our employees is the process of routing and notifying the individual statuses of each refund, based on what is happening or should happen with it.

As mentioned above, refunds come in many combinations and each one is directed to a different person within the company for processing. Flowis automatically distributes refunds to the right people/groups according to these combinations, allowing them to process refunds without unnecessary tracking, and also notifying them if any issues occur. This ensured that no refund was left unprocessed/forgotten or unresolved, thus Flowis helped us ensure a better customer experience.


Increase of Quality And Professionalism of Our Customer Support

The connection of Flowis with our internal programs are also a big plus, thanks to which a lot of data does not have to be entered manually, but pre-filled based on a certain parameter (order number, credit note). At the same time, we know about the refund without having to enter Flowis itself. The connection allows us to see it in our internal system at the place where we need it with information about it, which is important for us when communicating with customers, where the speed of response increases the quality and professionalism of our customer support.

As part of this connection, we also used Flowis to automate almost 80% of refunds (so far). Flowis allowed us to select suitable refunds based on rules and validations and send a request for their processing to our internal system. And with that, we eliminated a large amount of manual work within our company.


It is also important to mention the work with the database of these refunds itself. A wide range of filtering options based on our parameters selection, allowed us to find a specific refund within seconds, which was more time-consuming, in some cases even impossible, within Google Table.

Last but not least is the ease of editing within the refund database and their processing. It is possible to quickly and efficiently add and modify validation rules, new types of refunds, new groups/users for processing, and many others without lengthy programming.

Flexible form supporting dependent multi-select drop-downs, pre-populated fields, variety of restrictions, formatting and layout


Simple navigation through workflow progress and execution of the next action with comment and attachments.


Every field in the system is also available in the filter


Customized error messages and checks validate every user input


In Conclusion

Flowis integrated PTP cycle is leading companies’ digital transformation by doing the repetitive work, so the accounting team can concentrate on creative, high-value work.



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